Category: Uncategorized

New Year’s Goals

Here we are at the end of February. Don’t blink cause you might miss it. The year has been off to a speedy start but there is so much to be thankful for. Last month I was listening to a podcast with Brendan Burchard and Rachel Hollis. They are both excellent and I would highly […]

To Be Present

I am currently reading a book by Jon Kabat-Zinn and Myla Kabat-Zinn called “Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting” and although it seems so simple, something in the very first few pages of the book really struck a chord.  They explain how important it is to be present in order to know what you […]


    It has been a while but all for good reason.  There is a lot going on.  Not only have new business opportunities come but we have also been lucky enough to travel.  During the month of May we went on a very emotional trip to Cuba.  This was a very emotional trip for us […]

Limitless Potential

Today I wanted to share some exciting news.  I have had a concept for almost a year now, since August of last year to be exact.  I told myself that I would make a list of three people I know who might have insight as to how to help me with this idea.  I forced […]

The Family That Travels Together

      People who know me know that I cannot stay still.  I love to explore, whether it be alone or with my family, I just truly love to take in new experiences.  I am not usually afraid of trying new foods and am not generally intimidated by language barriers.  This past week I […]