There really is so much beauty in the world. Oftentimes you can find it right in your backyard and sometimes you can experience it during a wonderful adventure. I have used the past month to truly work on my own personal journey. I live a very fast paced life. I felt that everything around me was moving so quickly and I wasn’t truly appreciating the simple pleasures. You just get stuck going through the motions. I was always doing something but never felt like I was doing something meaningful. It took me a while to realize not to search for perfection but just to be better. Something that has helped me tremendously is to focus on a daily routine. So I try to wake up in the morning and meditate before the rest of the house wakes up. I work on my gratitude journal, which has been instrumental in my self-improvement. The one I use has you reflect again at the end of the day and I have found this to be a great way to prepare for a bedtime routine. I have become such a believer that my children have also started their own gratitude journals. I also started exercising again. I hope for it to become a daily habit. I am generally a healthy eater but have also stressed the importance of eating better throughout the day. A big problem I have is that I am always on the run and would just skip meals. This is such a bad idea for a number of reasons. And lastly, I am focusing on going to bed earlier. Just doing things that are so basic and simple has actually helped me appreciate not only the people around me but also the beauty around me. I have visited Colorado every year for the past 12 years. I was there last week. This time around I stopped before skiing down, took this picture and said Thank You!
personal growth and development